Cheer Team Christmas Ideas
At this point in the season, your cheer team has been working hard for several months. I am going to share some fun cheer team Christmas ideas to bond, boost morale, and make memories. Keep in mind the holidays that your cheerleading team celebrates when planning these activities. These cheer team Christmas activities can be part of a cheer practice or can be part of an entire event planned for the holidays.
Community Event/Parade
Communities have several events leading up to the Christmas season including parades, tree lightings, toy drives, etc. Check out your community websites or boards to find an event that your cheer team can be part of. Our team participates in a holiday parade every year performing a dance to a Christmas song.
Holiday Music at Practice
Play Christmas music during your cheer practice!
Secret Santa
Secret Santa is a fun way for cheerleaders to give thoughtful gifts to each other at cheer team Christmas. Write names on note cards and have them draw names at random. The cheerleader will purchase a gift for the person that they drew. Each cheerleader can fill out a short survey of their favorite things and give that to their Secret Santa. Put a spending cap on the gifts.
White Elephant Gift Exchange or Holiday Games
Cheerleaders can bring a wrapped gift. Each cheerleader draws a number and they will choose a gift in that order. They will unwrap the gift they chose for everyone to see. Each gift can be ‘stolen’ twice.
Holiday Spirit Day
Plan a dress up day where cheerleaders can wear festive holiday attire to practice. Making sure that it is still safe to stunt in!
Cookie Exchange
Each cheerleader can bring a dozen cookies and cheerleaders can exchange cookies or treats with each other!
Happy Holidays!