The Best Cheer Team Bonding Activity

This is one of the most powerful cheer team bonding activities you can do with your team! If you are looking for a cheer team bonding activity that will create closer bonds on your team and boost the positive energy, try this one out!
We call this activity “I’ve Got Your Back.” In my opinion, this is the best cheer team bonding activity you can do with your cheer team!
Plus our cheer team loves this activity! Before we left for cheer camp this year, they asked if we were going to do this activity.
I did not come up with this activity, so I can’t take credit. But I am happy to pass it along because it has such a powerful impact as a team bonding activity. I first learned about this bonding in my sorority, we did this as new members.
The purpose of the activity is for each person to write a positive and encouraging statement about every single person on the team. After the activity, each cheerleader gets to take home a piece of paper covered with positive messages about them written by their teammates.
So how does it work?
Each person has a blank sheet of paper and a different colored marker (I recommend washable markers, not permanent)
They write their name in the center of the paper then tape it to their back.
Then, each person goes around and writes a positive and encouraging note on the backs of their teammates. The goal is for each person to write on every single paper. So, if you have a team of 26 cheerleaders, then each cheerleader will write on the papers of 25 cheerleaders.
Bonus tip: play music as they walk around and write on the backs of their teammates! I looked up a playlist on Spotify called ‘Senior Songs’.
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Supplies You Need:
If you are looking for more cheer team bonding activities, check out my post: 7 Ideas for Cheer Camp Team Bonding
What is your favorite team bonding activity? Comment down below